Citing the Critical Fan Toolkit

If you would like to cite the Critical Fan Toolkit, use this information and place it into the proper citation format.

Bibliography Examples

APA Format: Messina, C. M. (2021). The critical fan toolkit: Fanfiction genres, pedagogies, and ideologies [Doctoral Dissertation, Northeastern University].
MLA Format: Messina, Cara Marta. The Critical Fan Toolkit: Fanfiction Genres, Pedagogies, and Ideologies. Northeastern University, 2021,

In-Text Citation Examples

APA Format: (Messina, 2021)

MLA Format: (Messina)

Specific Pages

There is no official way to cite specific chapters of a dissertation or thesis, which is how I would recommend citing particular webpages. However, to borrow from both the methods for citing webpages and the methods for citing book chapters, I think you can use quotation marks to cite the particular webpage you are on.

For instance, if you only want to cite one of the "Critical Fan Case Studies", it may look like this:

APA Format: Messina, C. M. (2021). ''Missandei deserves better:' Loving Blackness through critical (anti)fan uptakes and disruptakes. The critical fan toolkit: Fanfiction genres, pedagogies, and ideologies [Doctoral Dissertation, Northeastern University].
MLA Format: Messina, Cara Marta. "'Missandei Deserves Better:' Loving Blackness through Critical (Anti)Fan Uptakes and Disruptakes"The Critical Fan Toolkit: Fanfiction Genres, Pedagogies, and Ideologies. Northeastern University, 2021,